About this Module

Resilience is a key attribute to successfully navigating the ebbs and flows of life, particularly when facing significant changes or situations beyond our control. Our capacity to endure life's upheavals will partly shape our psychological survival. How equipped, flexible, and adaptable are you in the face of adversity? What are some practical steps you can take to remain steadfast and unyielding like a tree, yet open, responsive, and adaptable?

In this session, we will cover:

  • Gain an understanding of emotional resilience and its significance.

  • Reflect on your own level of emotional resilience and its impact on your ability to manage stress.

  • Discover tools, activities, and practices that can strengthen your emotional resilience as a leader.

  • Enhance your motivation and dedication towards actions that fortify your resilience during times of significant change.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Emotional Resilience: How to Cultivate Calm Inside of Chaos

    • Introduction

    • The 2° Shift Concept

    • Course Video

    • Consolidate your learning

Pricing options

single licence

  • $85.00

    $85.00Emotional Resilience: How to Cultivate Calm Inside of Chaos

    Buy Now
  • $1,224.00

    $1,224.00Jonah Group Complete E-Learning Collection

    Buy all courses in our e-learning series
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Organisation discounts (multiple licences)

Discounts for organisations
10% Discount for 5 to 25 licenses
15% Discount for 26 to 99 licences
20% Discount for 100 to 499 licences

 25% Discount for 500+ licenses

Contact us via email to arrange an organisation-wide discount:


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    These purchases are for individual use only.

    If you would like an organisational wide licence, please contact us:

    [email protected] or

    +61 2 8324 1421

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    +61 2 8324 1421